Jarvis ML Named Top 100 Early-Stage Company to Work For in 2022


We’re very excited to announce our inclusion in the Will Reed Top 100 list of early stage companies to work for in 2022. You can find the official press release here.

Out of 500+ companies that raised Seed & Series A rounds over the past year, Will Reed named Jarvis ML an employer of choice based on mission, culture, growth trajectory and founding leadership.

Our team internally is feeling quite proud of the recognition, as we’re working to build a company that not only provides tremendous value to our customers, but also a team that is fun and engaging to be a part of. 

We’re humbled and will take this opportunity to note some thoughts on the bits of criteria that Will Reed used in their evaluation.

Mission & Culture

We use the word “democratizing” when describing our core desires with Jarvis ML because the power of machine learning technology and techniques shouldn’t be limited to just companies that can afford to hire a team of data scientists, machine learning engineers, and infrastructure developers. We think it should be accessible to everyone. 

We’ve reached a point where applying machine learning should be an easy business decision, because it’s so seamless to stand-up in your organization and adds so much value to revenue and other business goals. 

Every company should be able to call themselves a machine learning company. 

Our culture is one that highly values what our customers want and need – and so we consistently find ourselves in real partnerships with the teams we work with, jointly defining and building valuable products. 

Our team is dedicated to iterating rapidly and learning as quickly as possible. Whether it’s in how we secure, process, and design our data infrastructure, to delivering add-ons for existing customers, and even to how we talk about ourselves to our prospective partners and future customers.

We also love celebrating wins. Work and life can be challenging, but by remembering that the effort itself should be the reward, we find joy in even the small forward steps we take on a daily basis. It’s this culture that we want to persist not only in our career, but also throughout our lives.

Growth Trajectory

After just passing our first “birthday” as a company, we have a lot to celebrate! 

We’ve grown our team considerably, each month getting new, talented, engaged teammates. Our team is fully distributed and global, learning to handle time-zone challenges but benefiting from the diversity of experience and cultural backgrounds. 

We build new products and new foundational infrastructure with surprising speed. Writing this, I am not a software developer but I have context due to working for technology start-ups for my entire career. The rate of development at Jarvis (now Aidaptive) is exciting and empowering. This allows us to grow and adapt – fast!

We’ve been starting more and more conversations at the top of our “Funnel” – learning what customers care about. Our team and product have become adept at proving out the value that the Jarvis intelligence engine (now Aidaptive) can deliver through pilots, and during the initial months of our new customer engagements. The more customers we sign on, the more we learn and the more value we can add to the next partner. 

And of course we’re thrilled to have announced our Seed Preferred funding round of $16 Million a few months back, an enormous milestone that helps to validate our direction and provide us the rocket-fuel to continue onward and upward. 

Founding Leadership

Our CEO and Founder, Rakesh Yadav, comes from a long and strong career at Google – where he led the Machine Learning Operations platform development for Google Ads and Payments.

His technical expertise and innovative thinking helped transform the way Google was able to deliver scalable optimization and recursive learning to their core business revenue-generator. He’s long been thinking about the broader applications of ML on society – for business, but also for the non-profit sectors. 

One of his overarching personal goals is to use Jarvis (now Aidaptive) as the stepping stone to ultimately change global healthcare and education standards with one of his biggest strengths and passions – machine learning. 

Rakesh also was eagerly followed to his new company by a strong cohort of his previous team at Google who believed in his leadership, vision, and capabilities. Thus, Jarvis ML (now Aidaptive) is afforded a strong, seasoned team of machine learning engineers who know how to work together effectively. 

Rakesh brought on additional key players across the board, such as the head of revenue and business development – Brian Bird – who has experience with the industry and target verticals and with building a company from the ground up.

Rakesh’s strong network and trusted status in the community won Jarvis (now Aidaptive) early investment from advisors, friends, and industry experts who knew a machine learning-focused company led by Mr. Yadav would have trouble being anything but wildly successful. The Jarvis ML team (now Aidaptive) is eager to use our funding to build something that helps customers, employees, investors, and the overall community.


In closing, this celebration is exciting and fun for our team, but it’s only the beginning! We’re looking to continue growing and building incredible products to solve tough use cases for our customers. 

Interested in joining our team? Head over to our careers page and reach out so we can have a conversation. We look forward to it!

You can visit top100bywillreed.com to learn more about this evaluation and list.


About Will Reed

Will Reed is the only executive search firm built exclusively for early-stage founders. Founded in 2015, the firm recruits go-to-market (GTM) and People leaders for Seed thru Series C companies backed by leading venture capital firms like a16z, Accel, Bessemer, Insight Partners, Lightspeed, New Enterprise Associates, Sequoia, etc. Will Reed believes early-stage founders are responsible for shaping our collective future, so they couple search with founder enablement curriculum and coaching to ensure their B2B tech clients can compete against the giants for top talent. 

About Jarvis ML (now Aidaptive)

Jarvis ML’s mission (now Aidaptive) is to be the most accessible and easy to use end-to-end machine learning platform. As a fully managed MLaaS solution, Jarvis ML enables companies to deploy a revenue generating intelligence engine to their businesses and products within minutes. Jarvis ML was founded in 2021 by Rakesh Yadav, who led the Machine Learning Operations platform development for Google Ads and Payments. Jarvis ML’s team has more than 50+ years of combined machine learning experience and is funded by Dell Technologies Capital, SHAKTI and more than a dozen veteran Silicon Valley technologists and business leaders.

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